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Brainbox USB to Serial 1 x RS422/485
  • In Stock:  10

Brainbox USB to Serial 1 x RS422/485

USB to Serial providing one RS422/485 serial port. Up to 921,600 datatransfer rates and the 128 byte deep transmit and 256 byte receiveFIFOS, coupled with 1Mbit line drivers deliver uncompromisingperformance on your laptop/PC. USB to serial is the quick lowcost way to connect your computer to a...
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  • Manufactured by: Brainboxes
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USB to Serial providing one RS422/485 serial port. Up to 921,600 data
transfer rates and the 128 byte deep transmit and 256 byte receive
FIFOS, coupled with 1Mbit line drivers deliver uncompromising
performance on your laptop/PC.

USB to serial is the quick low
cost way to connect your computer to a serial comms enabled device.
Boost software gives industry leading functionality and compatibility.

Standard: RS422 allows one transmitter and up to 10 receivers with data
transmitter rates up to 10 megabits per second for distances up to 40
feet and up to 100 Kilobits per second for distances up to 4000 feet
(1219 metres).To achieve good long distance noise immunity, 2 wires are
used to carry each signal, configured as a twisted pair of cables. The
TXD pair and RXD pair are used to carry the data whilst the RTS pair and
CTS pair lines are used for handshaking. Thus 2 twisted pairs are used
without handshaking and 4 twisted pair cable is used with handshaking
both these schemes allow full duplex data communications.

Standard: RS485, based on the RS422 standard allows up to 32
driver/receivers pairs on a party line data bus. Whilst only one of
these should be transmitting data at any time, the rest can all
simultaneously listen to the data. Handshaking is performed by software
protocol. Two twisted pairs form a full duplex system. Often only one
twisted pair cable is used as the TXD and RXD lines are tied together;
this is known as half duplex mode. Traditionally, the RTS signal is used
as the party line control to tristate the PC’s transmitter, but in
multitasking operating systems like Windows or Linux the only reliable
method is hardware autogating. Brainboxes RS422/485 products implement a
state of the art autogating circuit thus ensuring error free
communications in half duplex configuations.

These products do away with traditional issues with USB technology so you can buy with confidence!

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• 1 Port RS422/485
• USB to Serial
• 128 Byte Tx and 256 Byte Rx FIFOs
• Up to 921,600 Baud
• DB9 connector (9 Pin Male)
• Drivers for all popular operating systems
• Sample Programs, Test & Terminal software

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